Cancellation, Return & Refund Policy
Cancellation Prior to Order Delivery
You may cancel your order at no charge before it has been shipped. If the order is canceled after shipment, you will be responsible for shipping and return expenses.
Product Returns
You can return unopened products within 5 business days of delivery. To initiate a return, you must request a Return Authorization (RA) number from We reserve the right to approve or deny any return request at our sole discretion. If your return is approved, you will receive an RA number and the return shipping address via email. All return shipping costs must be prepaid by the customer. A 20% restocking fee will apply to all returned products. will inspect the returned products within 5 business days of receipt. Customers are responsible for any damage to the products or if the products are in a condition that prevents them from being resold at full price.
Note: Returns without an RA number will not be processed and will be discarded.
Non-Returnable Products
Opened products cannot be returned. Additionally, small and large equipment, alloy, special order items, prescription (Rx) products, and controlled substances are non-returnable, even if unopened and in the original packaging.
Return Shipments
Please ship the product to the address provided in the RA email within 5 business days. We are not responsible for goods that are damaged or lost during return shipping. We strongly recommend using an insured and trackable mail service. Refunds cannot be issued without the receipt of goods or proof of return delivery.
We will process your reimbursement within 5 business days from the date we receive the returned product. The reimbursement will be made using the same payment method you used for the order. Please note that any third-party charges on your credit card are your sole responsibility.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our Cancellation, Return, and Refund Policy, please contact us via email at
Vendor Application
Please enter your company name, email and phone number in the contact form below and our team will be in touch at our earliest convenience to discuss the details about your company and products.